Game of the day - round 4 |
Hou,Yifan - Cmilyte,Viktorija [B52]
Fondation Neva Women's Grand Prix Geneva (4.4), 06.05.2013 [GM Adrian Mikhalchishin]
Hou Yifan lost in 3 round against the outsider from Mongolia, and got a strong reprimend from her mother, who accompanies her on most tournaments and Hou Yifan was ready to strike back in Round 4. But she played not so convincingly against Viktoria and in the past-we remember the fantastic win of Viktoria in a Sicilian last year in Kazan.
Viktoria used the same approach, playing the former World Champion, as I taught my pupil Betul Yildiz in the last few years. It is simple -Hou Yifan is fantastic, a fine technical player, and the only way to play successfully against her is to challenge her from the start. It means to attack as soon as possible, hmm, but it is tremendousely difficult. You have to show her ,that you are not afraid of her.
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 Usually the former World Champion plays main lines,but sometimes she returns to her junior weapon 3.Bb5+ Bd7 4.Bxd7+ Qxd7 5.0–0 [Very modern way here is transfer to Maroczy structure 5.c4 Nc6 6.d4 cxd4 7.Nxd4 g6 8.Nc3 Bg7 9.Be3] 5...Nc6 [Chinese Champion had one interesting game here 5...Nf6 6.e5 dxe5 7.Nxe5 Qc7 8.d4 cxd4 9.Bf4 Qd8 10.c3 d3 11.Qa4+ Nc6 12.Na3 Qc8 13.Rad1 e6 14.Rxd3 Be7 15.Bg5 Qc7 16.Bxf6 gxf6 17.Nxc6 Qxc6 18.Qxc6+ bxc6 19.Nc4 and obtained sweet endgame here, Hou,Y (2158)-Fontaine,R (2539)/Shenzhen 2005] 6.Qe2 Nf6 7.Rd1 g5!?

Typical modern attitude -attack on the flank directly in the opening .But still, I would prefer more cautious developing moves [7...Rc8; 7...g6; 7...e5] 8.c3 [There are two possible direct approaches to refute Blacks counterattack immediately 8.e5 g4 9.Ne1 dxe5 10.c3 0–0–0 11.Na3 h5 12.d3 Nd5 13.Nc4 Bg7 14.Be3 Nf4 15.Qc2 Qd5 16.Qa4 h4 17.Nxe5 Bxe5 18.Bxf4 f5 19.Nc2 Bxf4 20.Qxf4 Qd7 with very good position,Pridorozhni,A (2485)-Nevostrujev,V (2510)/Tomsk 2003; Very risky seems to be 8.d4? g4 9.Ne5 dxe5 10.dxe5 Nd4 11.Rxd4 cxd4 12.exf6 exf6 13.Bf4 Bg7 14.Nd2 0–0 15.Qd3 Rac8 16.Nf1 Qa4 17.Rc1 Qxa2 18.Ng3 Qxb2 19.Nf5 Rc3 and White attack is completely stopped, Yandemirov,V (2380)-Amonatov,F (2590)/Moscow 2011; 8.Nxg5? Nd4] 8...g4
9.Ne1 [Much more dangerous for Black seems to be another retreat 9.Nh4 Qe6 10.d3 (10.Re1 d5 11.d3 dxe4 12.dxe4 0–0–0 13.Na3 Qxe4 14.Qxe4 Nxe4 15.Bf4 Nd6 16.Bxd6 Rxd6 17.Nc4 Rd7 18.Re4 h5 19.g3 e6 White has no real compensation for the pawn, Bojkovic,N (2390)-Korbut,E (2430)/Zlatibor 2006) 10...0–0–0 11.Bf4 d5 12.Nd2 Nh5 13.Bg3 Nxg3 14.hxg3 h5 15.Nb3 b6 16.d4 c4 17.Nd2 Bh6 18.Nxc4 Kb8 19.a4 dxc4 20.d5 Qc8 21.dxc6 Qxc6 22.Nf5 where White Knight is very well placed, Delchev,A (2629)-Morozevich,A (2762)/Porto Carras 2011] 9...Qe6
10.d3 h5 [It is possible here central counterstrike 10...d5 11.Bg5 (11.Be3 d4 12.cxd4 cxd4 13.Bg5=) 11...0–0–0 12.Nd2 Rg8 13.Bxf6 exf6 '!' 14.Nc2 f5 15.Re1 (15.Qe3 dxe4 16.dxe4 f4 '!' 17.Qe2 (17.Qxf4? Bh6) 17...Ne5 18.f3 h5 19.Kh1 g3 20.Nf1 Rxd1 21.Rxd1 Be7 22.Rd5 gxh2 23.Qd2 Qf6 with advantage, Collutiis,D (2451)-Vocaturo,D (2480)/Palau 2009) 15...dxe4 16.dxe4 f4 17.Rad1 Ne5 18.f3 Qxa2 19.Ra1 Qxb2 White has just tricky chances here, Fressinet,L (2675)-Edouard,R (2565)/Paris 2009;
More risky is 10...c4 11.d4 (11.Nd2 cxd3 12.Qxd3 a6 13.Nc2 Ne5 14.Qe2 h5 15.Nd4 Qc8 16.Nf1 Bh6 17.Bxh6 Rxh6 18.Nf5 Rg6 19.Rxd6 Qc4 20.Qxc4 Nxc4 21.Rd4 White pieces are much better placed, Sarana Hungeling,O (2231)-Huppertz,A (1842)/Germany 2008) 11...d5 12.e5 Nd7 13.b3 Na5 14.Nd2 Nb6 15.Nc2 Bh6 16.bxc4 Nbxc4 17.Nxc4 Nxc4 18.Bxh6 Qxh6 19.Qxg4 Black King will not be safe in the center, Brochet,P (2389)-Bernard,C (2364)/France 2008]
11.Bg5 Rg8 12.Bh4 Bh6 [Possible was the immediate 12...0–0–0 ] 13.Nd2 0–0–0 14.Nf1

14...Nd5!? [Risky, but an interesting Knight transfer.For me the logical idea was to exchange the Bishop, which blocks Black pawns on the Kings side, 14...Bg5 15.Bxg5 Rxg5] 15.Qc2 Nf4 16.d4 [Black would have fantastic play after 16.Ne3 Ng6 17.Nf5 Nxh4 18.Nxh4 Bg5 19.Nf5 Kb8 20.Qe2 d5] 16...d5 [Very good was 16...cxd4 17.cxd4 d5 18.b4 Qxe4] 17.exd5 Rxd5 18.Ne3

18...Nh3+!! [Completely logical was simple retreat 18...Rdd8 19.dxc5 Ng6 but Cmilyte saw fantastic attacking possibility.] 19.gxh3 gxh3+ 20.Kf1 Bxe3 21.fxe3
21...Qg4? [Black would keep very strong attack after the correct 21...Qxe3 22.Bf2 Qf4 23.Qh7 Rg6 24.Rd3 Rf5 25.Rf3 Qxh2 26.Rxf5 Qh1+ 27.Ke2 Qe4+; Another way of attack was not so convincing, but still playable 21...Rf5+ 22.Ke2 Rg1 23.d5 Rxd5 24.Rxd5 Qxd5 25.Qd3 Qe6] 22.e4! Only way to refute opponents attack. 22...Qf4+ [Black could still create a lot of problems after 22...Rd6! 23.e5 Nxe5 24.dxe5 Qg1+ 25.Ke2 Qxh2+ 26.Kf3 Qxe5 27.Qe4 h2] 23.Bf2 Rdg5? [Here still better was 23...Rd6 ] 24.Qd3! f5 [After 24...Qxh2 very strong answer was 25.Nf3 ] 25.Qxh3 cxd4 [Nothing was promised with 25...Rg1+ 26.Ke2 Qxe4+ 27.Qe3 R1g4 28.Qxe4 Rxe4+ 29.Kf1] 26.cxd4 Rg1+ 27.Ke2 Qxe4+ 28.Qe3 Qg4+ 29.Nf3 Rg2

30.Rg1! After this exchange it becomes clear that Blacks attack is in the past. 30...f4 31.Qe4 Qh3 32.Rxg2 Rxg2 33.d5 Nb8 34.Rc1+ Kd8 35.Qe5 1–0